Journey to Excellence

TO BE EFFECTIVE, capacity building must be embraced by all levels of the Adventist education system. Efforts to build capacity move the focus away from managing compliance to facilitating growth. Following are samples of how capacity can be built at each level of the Adventist education system.

Leadership Filtering

Core Elements

Practical Applications

  • Work with Adventist higher education personnel to ensure that effective strategies for creating optimal learning and for faith integration are both taught and modelled

  • Provide Adventist colleges and universities access to all required NAD resources and training

  • Collaborate with Adventist colleges and universities in the preparation of educators for the unique expectations of Adventist schools

  • Regularly review expectations for earning and maintaining Adventist certification to ensure that it remains relevant to the needs of educators and schools

  • Consider providing financial incentives to teacher education candidates (e.g., academy senior scholarships)

  • Collaborate with Adventist higher education personnel to connect with recent education grads to identify possible gaps in learning

  • Partner with the Conference, Union, Adventist colleges and universities to ensure that teacher education programs remain relevant in meeting the needs of new hires for the Adventist school system

  • Partner with Adventist colleges and universities to provide nurturing practicum experiences for preservice teachers

  • Create opportunities for teachers to serve in a variety of leadership roles

  • Engage and mentor teacher candidates in relevant and meaningful practicum experiences

  • Be positive role models that inspire others to want to engage in the ministry of Adventist education