WITH A CLEAR FOCUS on the mission of Adventist education and an enduring commitment to honor God with excellence in all things, Adventist educators at all levels will develop and implement plans for continuous improvement.
Continuous improvement in education is not a linear process. Rather, it is a cycle that begins with self-assessment and continues through ongoing planning, implementation, and reflection. It integrates data-informed decision-making with intentional planning based on research-based practices in a culture that encourages safe and appropriate risk-taking. Excellence is about building a culture of continuous improvement from the classroom to the division.
Journey to Excellence 2.0 focuses on specific strategies that will facilitate continuous improvement. Educators are expected to bring their best in assessment, planning, implementation, and reflective learning to this work. Every school will have unique goals, improvement steps, and timelines for implementing continuous improvement. What is important is for all schools to assess where they are, to define where they would like to be, and to be intentional about developing plans to reach their goals, all with a constant focus on the shared vision of Adventist education.
As a framework for facilitating continuous improvement in Adventist education, Journey to Excellence 2.0 identifies three areas vital to this work of building excellence into the HOW of Adventist education. These are:
Core elements of learning
Purposeful, coherent, and practical strategies are utilized by effective educators to foster curiosity and to engage the student in head, heart, and hand learning. Informed by research-based practices, relevant curriculum, and real-time assessment, rigorous student learning will continuously improve to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world.
ExploreCollaborative culture
Authentic communication and effective interpersonal relationships with trust and transparency are foundational for achieving an effective educational environment. A collaborative culture provides a context where creative energy yields the best ideas
ExploreCapacity building
Encouraging, equipping and empowering educators establishes the individual and systemic capacity necessary to ensure that the goals for student learning are met and that continuous improvement happens at all levels.