EDUCATORS LEAD STUDENTS in learning using standards-based curriculum, engaging instruction, varied assessments, personalized support programs, and appropriate resources. Inherent in excellent educators is a deep desire to improve their service to students--God’s children. Such educators, in their own contexts, will shape and reshape plans and practices to elevate the ministry of education. With trust and transparency, they will measure results through relevant assessments and regular accountability and use that information to improve their practice. Journey to Excellence 2.0 is a call to “something better” in service to God and to His youth in Adventist schools.
All Adventist educators, at schools or in administrative offices, will have personal goals and timelines for implementing continuous improvement within their roles and responsibilities. In a common journey to excellence, however, all will assess where they are, envision where they would like to be, then develop and implement specific, measurable, and intentional strategies to reach the desired improvement. Thus, when educators grow their capacity, improve collaboration, and focus on core elements of student learning, the productive work—the WHAT of education--will be continually assessed, in a cycle of ongoing improvement.
Commitment to growth
Commitment to growth is a mindset that contends against the status quo and complacency.